Call of Duty XP and PlayStation Meeting 2016: What is new?
The beginning of September pleased with two large game events at once: Convention Call of Duty Experience and conference PlayStation Meeting. “And that between them is general?" – asks the puzzled reader. We answer: firstly, both events were pleased with a ton of entertaining news. And secondly … now you will understand everything yourself.
Call of Duty Experience 2016
Where? Los Angeles
When? September 2-4
Fest Call of Duty XP was most interested in us thanks to the premiere of multiplayer Infinite Warfare and remaster COD 4: Modern Warfare. The network component of Infinite Warfare was shown on PS4. And it is no coincidence, because the first wave of the beta test of the multiplayer will roll just on the owners of the current console Sony , decided to pre -order. This will happen on October 14, and a little later the Xbox One audience will be allowed to the game. And only PC owners will be left without beta.
In the network part of Infinite Warfare there was a place for ideas from Black OPS 3 And Destiny. Six classes are promised to us (Striker, Warfighter, Phantom, Merc, Synaptic and FTL), sharpened for different styles of the game. FTL, for example, moves almost at the speed of the bullet and can take the enemy to the sight in sliding. Each class is entitled to superpowers (Palyloads) and additional passive abilities (Traits), three pieces of both.
► In every new Call of Duty people involved in the war, there are less and less – robots are replaced.
In addition to the classes of the same Destiny, the system of your own assembly and weapon settings is inspired here (the original arsenal wide – fifty different guns). Accumulated a bag of in -game currency? Please have fun with the manufacture of prototypes of different rarities with random perks.
And since the future is the future and space in the yard, do not be surprised at the reactive satchels, running along the walls and all kinds of hefty robots. Judging by the above videos, in the Infinite Warfare multiplayer, brutally dynamic shooting.
The system of fractions should maintain interest in network battles. There will be several groups in the game, and they will issue tasks. Oh, you just distinguished yourself? Well, first of all, well done. Secondly, hold a beautiful badge. Fresh modes will also appear, which will also probably contribute to the tributary of the audience. For example, Defender: We catch a drone sphere and pass on each other, keeping it at the disposal of the team as long as possible. Frontline mode is also announced, but they are not talking about it yet.
All who buy Infinite Warfare on PS4, Activision And Sony will be thanked with a pleasant gift – a free copy Jackal Assault. This is an additional VR mission where you need to manage the Jackal fighter.
We go to the second "culprit of the celebration": COD: Modern Warfare – Remastered And her multiplayer. About the reprint of the cult COD 4: Modern Warfare It became known simultaneously with the announcement of Infinite Warfare in May. It was reported that those who buy Infinite Warfare from the Legacy Edition, Digital Legacy Edition, Digital Deluxe Edition or Legacy Pro Edition will receive Modern Warfare remaster, including the plot and ten network cards. Call of Duty XP found that there would be sixteen areas: six more will be added for free in December (the release of Infinite Warfare, recall, is scheduled for November 4).
► Maps in Modern Warfare – Remastered Moderner have been cosmetic improvements, and locations design remained the same. Fans of the original will feel at home.
The reprint will primarily delight with updated graphics: increased resolution, redone models of characters, seriously finalized lighting and a lot more. On multiplayer cards, however, do not wait for big changes. The soundtrack will be rewritten again, but the notes themselves will not touch. And also about the fact that the release of the original Modern Warfare has been nine years old, they will sit “medals”, noting successful risky actions. Otherwise, everything is in the old fashioned way – a couple of minutes of settings, and into battle.
And finally, within the framework of Call of Duty XP, the final part was passed COD World League Championship. The prize fund at the tournament is impressive: $ 2 million (comparable to the prize world championship in Lol ). Discipline – naturally, Black Ops 3. According to the results of the showdown, it was exciting Team Envyus (USA), which received $ 0.8 million.
Not yet tired? Next in line – PlayStation Meeting.
PlayStation Meeting 2016
Where? New York
When? September 7th
The Future PlayStation quickly becomes real. Andrew House, president Sony Interactive Entertainment , At the PlayStation Meeting conference, he officially submitted PS4 Pro ("Survated" as PS4k, PS4.5 and PS4 Neo) and PS4 SLIM.
► This is a reduced PS4 that will replace the predecessor. ► And this is PS4 Pro, supporting 4K permissions.
Unlike the standard PS4 PRO model, I received an advanced central processor (on eight cores Jaguar ), twice as powerful GPU and hard drive for 1 TB. Support for 4K permits (not only in games, but also in films with series) and HDR technology. Inside the device 8 GB of GDDR5 RAM, its dimensions are 29.5×5.5×32.7 cm, weight 3.3 kg. The cost of the console will be $ 399, the start of sales is scheduled for November 10.
► Among other things, on the PlayStation Meeting, the Japanese company introduced an updated gamepad (with an additional light strip on the touchpad) and the PS Camera camera changed outwardly.
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PS4 PRO is not advertised as a PS4 shift, but as an alternative for those who chase graphic excesses. Do not rush to grab the heart – there are no exclusives on the horizon of the modernized console. The upcoming projects are developed with an sight simultaneously on PS4 and Pro version. As for the already released games, like Uncharted 4 , then they are addressed to patches. Activision and Electronic Arts Sony's initiative was supported.
A little below you will find trailers showing how perfectly they feel in the arms of the novelty Mass Effect: Andromeda (already three -minute gameplay roller!) And Horizon: Zero Dawn (Evaluate what a convincing environment and impressive fighter!).
PS4 Slim will capture the shelves on September 15. The price tag pleases – $ 299. In the asset: smaller sizes and weight, slightly modified controller, physical button for turning on the prefix and other little things. The thin PS4, of course, will not overpower 4K (there are no changes in the filling), but HDR support will sooner or later get to the standard PS4.
* * *
Sony did not particularly spread about the VR battered, the heiress PS Vita, the information about which recently surfaced on the network, did not show, and Rockstar Games did not invite her to confirm rumors about the remaster Red Dead Redemption for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. It would seem, “all, we diverge” ..
But let's be a little less strict to Sony: she managed to respond with dignity to the trick Microsoft With simultaneous announcement Xbox One S And Project Scorpio , She went to meet the players, rolling out a more affordable PS4 SLIM and a more powerful PS4 Pro, and, finally, the company does not intend to cash in on us, exclusing exclusives for different versions of its system.
Is it not such a bright future we were waiting?